The Editors
The New Socialist editorial collective.
Twitter: @NewSocialistNS
Articles by The Editors:
The labour movement must act now to stop genocide in Palestine.
A call to action for trade unionists everywhere, to read, sign, and use as a template. Banners and resolutions will not stop the bombs from falling.
Trade Unionists for Palestine
A collaborative, worker-led research project and resource base to support trade unionists as they divest from the Israeli arms trade.
Unconditional Solidarity with Palestine
To expect people to submit quietly to intolerable conditions is to contribute to and naturalise their dehumanisation. We stand in unflinching solidarity with the Palestinian people.
Editors' Letter
Updates on what we've been up to and previewing TWT 2022.
An Interview with Your Momentum
Ahead of the ballots opening in Momentum's 2022 NCG elections, New Socialist interviewed both slates. Here, Your Momentum respond to our questions.
An Interview with Momentum Organisers
Ahead of the ballots opening in Momentum's 2022 NCG elections, New Socialist interviewed both slates. Here, Momentum Organisers respond to our questions.
Full Solidarity With Apsana Begum
Apsana Begum has been subjected to an escalating campaign of harassment, abuse, and intimidation. We stand in solidarity with her, and with all victims of abuse.
Call for pitches: Class.
All the information you need to pitch for our forthcoming 'Class' edition.
New Socialist 5th Birthday Edition
This June will be our 5th birthday, to mark it we're going to publish a mini-edition.
Open Meeting for Subscribers
Details of our open meeting at which subscribers can help shape plans for New Socialist.
Event: Philosemitism & antisemitism—anti-racist tools for solidarity and resistance
Join us on Tuesday 14 December to discuss how we might generate an anti-racist, anti-Zionist internationalist praxis.
Editors' Letter
Updates on what's been going on at New Socialist, and launching #NS500, our subscription drive.
Culture in the Culture War: New Socialist at TWT21
Looking ahead to our panel discussion at The World Transformed 2021.
“We can’t do this work on our own”: an interview with Roger McKenzie
We spoke to Roger about his experiences as a Black man within the labour movement, his Unison General Secretary candidature, and how best to organise for socialism and workers' control.
Editors' Letter
Keeping our comrades up to date with New Socialist.
Activist Responses to Coronavirus
We asked for responses on radical organising in response to Coronavirus. Next, we're asking for responses on London-centricity.
Introducing Bad New Times
What are 'bad new times'? What do they mean for New Socialist?
Editorial: The Sacking of Rebecca Long-Bailey
The sacking of Long-Bailey requires a drawing of a firm line. Socialist Campaign Group members on Labour's front bench should resign.
Independent Momentum NCG candidates: Yorkshire, North East, Cumbria, Scotland and International
Responses from independent candidates for Momentum's NCG. Today: Chlöe Hopkins for Yorkshire, North East, Cumbria, Scotland and International.
Independent Momentum NCG candidates: South East and South West
Responses from independent candidates for Momentum's NCG. Today: Zaid Marham the for South East and South West.
Interview with Momentum NCG candidates: Yorkshire, North East, Cumbria, Scotland and International
The sixth of our interviews with Momentum NCG candidates from the two main slates. Today: Yorkshire, North East, Cumbria, Scotland and International.
Interview with Momentum NCG candidates: South East and South West
The fifth of our interviews with Momentum NCG candidates from the two main slates. Today: South East and South West.
Interview with Momentum NCG candidates: Public Office Holders
The fourth of our interviews with Momentum NCG candidates from the two main slates. Today: Public Office Holders.
Interview with Momentum NCG candidates: North West and Wales
The third of our interviews with Momentum NCG candidates from the two main slates. Today: North West and Wales.
Interview with Momentum NCG candidates: Midlands and East
The second of our interviews with Momentum NCG candidates from the two main slates. Today: Midlands and East.
Interview with Momentum NCG candidates: London
The first of our interviews with Momentum NCG candidates from the two main slates. Today: London.
Activists' Inquiry: Radical Responses to Coronavirus
Share your stories and experiences of organising in response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.
Bad New Times—the future of New Socialist.
What's next for New Socialist—and how you can help make it happen.
A draft model motion in support of trans comrades.
Transphobia is intensifying in society as a whole and within the labour movement. We have prepared a model motion to try to help combat it.
Activists' Inquiry - Entering Councils, and In Motion
Last month, we asked for contributions on the left's experience with entering local government. Now, we're asking about an important feature of Labour Party meetings: motions
Activists' Inquiry - Entering the Councils
In the first inquiry of 2020, we ask for submissions which reflect on experiences of entering (or attempting to enter) local government
Activists' Inquiry - Hopes and Frustrations
In our final inquiry of 2019, we have collected together submissions reflecting on hopes and frustrations felt during the general election.
Guide for Canvassing and Getting Out the Vote
We have to win. We will win. How to be an effective canvasser in the final days of the campaign.
Activists' Inquiry - Canvassing with Care, and Hopes and Frustrations
Following attacks on Labour canvassers, we asked for submissions on the theme 'canvassing with care'. In the final week, we're asking for contributions about hopes and frustrations experienced in the campaign.
Activists' Inquiry - Campaigning with Kids and Canvassing with Care
Each week for the remainder of the election, New Socialist are inviting contributions of no more than 200 words about an aspect of the campaign. Last week, we asked about experiences of campaigning with children.
Labour Homelessness Campaign: Questions from the Editors
We caught up with Labour Homelessness Campaign activist Tom Balderstone to ask him about the campaign's work, including its current voter registration drive.
Activists' Inquiry - Beginnings and Campaigning with Kids
For our first set of contributions, we asked about the start to the election campaign. For the next week, we’re looking for contributions on the theme of campaigning with kids.
Activists' Inquiry - Beginnings
With another general election well underway, New Socialist is collecting stories from the campaign as it happens.
You will return as Millions: Solidarity Statement with Bolivia
We unequivocally condemn the unfolding coup in Bolivia, and offer our solidarity to the Bolivian people.
Editorial: Chris Williamson
The decision not to readmit Williamson offers a sliver of hope that the left of the Party, and its apparatus, may yet be able to tackle antisemitism.
Good Riddance
The departure of seven Labour MPs from the party, with the possibility of more to follow, offers Labour an historic opportunity to resolve a fundamental identity crisis.
Eco-Corbynism Reading
The reading for our Eco-Corbynism reading group at The World Transformed
Beyond the Manifesto—Call for Submissions
A call for submissions on how to move beyond the Labour Party's 2017 manifesto
A 21st-Century Party? Labour’s Democracy Review, Reviewed
We take a closer look at the most important measures outlined so far by Labour's Party Democracy Review.
Richard Burgon on Arise Festival, Trump and Stephen Yaxley-Lennon
An interview with Richard Burgon MP: 'We need to be ready for a general election whenever it comes'
Antisemitism and Our Duties as Anti-Imperialists
Antisemitism exists within the left, including among supporters of Jeremy Corbyn. There must be no place for it, it must be condemned without equivocation.
Taking Stock: Introduction
An overview of the aims of our Taking Stock series, which we begin today.
Labour’s Next General Secretary: Building a Transformative Party
The Labour left shed few tears for Iain McNicol last month when, after nearly seven years in the job, he finally announced his intention to take his leave as general secretary of the Labour Party.
Taking Stock: An Announcement
Beginning in mid-March and running for the rest of the month, we will be running a series on how far the Corbyn project is fulfilling its potential.
London Young Labour: Artin Giles for Chair
On Saturday February 3rd, London Young Labour will be holding their Annual General Meeting to elect the next chair and committee.
Radical TV—Call for Contributions
In December and January, New Socialist will be running a series on radical television and we invite submissions on the effectiveness of television programmes that aim at radicalism.
Labour NEC Elections: Support the Left Slate
New Socialist is calling on all socialists in the Labour Party to vote for all three candidates from the left slate - Jon Lansman, Yasmine Dar and Rachel Garnham.
Corbynism from Below at The World Transformed
Here's the audio of our Corbynism from Below session held on 26th September at The World Transformed in Brighton.
Labour’s NEC ‘Deal’: Paving the Way for Change?
Last week, it was announced that the party’s ruling National Executive Committee had agreed a deal relating to the so-called ‘McDonnell amendment’.
'New Socialist at Conference 2017': The Ebook
If you're attending Labour conference or The World Transformed in Brighton – or you're just watching proceedings from afar – be sure to check out the special New Socialist Conference ebook.
New Socialist recommends... at Labour Conference and The World Transformed
Navigating the vast programme of fringe events, debates, parties and floor discussions taking place in and around Labour Party Conference and The World Transformed can be a pretty overwhelming exercise.
There Always Was an Alternative
In an exclusive and edited extract from his new book "The Corbyn Effect", Mark Perryman traces the origins and potential of Corbynism.
Sheila Rowbotham on 'Motherhood': Motherhood Endowment
Here are two extracts from Sheila Rowbotham, (2010) Dreamers of a New Day: Women who Invented the Twentieth Century, London, Verso, pp. 110-113 and pp. 114-115.
Sheila Rowbotham on 'Motherhood': The Mother Function
This is an extract from Sheila Rowbotham, (2010) Dreamers of a New Day: Women who Invented the Twentieth Century, London, Verso, pp. 115-124.
For a Socialist Young Labour: Back the Momentum Slate
Voting is now open, until this Wednesday (13th September), for the upcoming Young Labour policy conference.
Mums4Corbyn at the World Transformed
New Socialist are very happy to announce details of our comrades and collaborators, Mums4Corbyn's events at The World Transformed on Saturday 23rd September.
Interview with Danielle Rowley MP
“Nowhere is more important to delivering another Labour government than Scotland,” commented Jeremy Corbyn ahead of embarking on his tour of marginal constituencies north of the border earlier this week.
Corbynism from Below at The World Transformed
We are delighted to announce the details of New Socialist's session at The World Transformed, which will take place on Tuesday September 26th at 1pm at the Synergy Centre.
Labour Party Conference: Call for Contributions
This September, thousands of Labour Party members - including constituency and trade union delegates from across Britain - will descend upon Brighton for this year’s Labour conference.
A Million Member Party—Part Three
We invited submissions on what a Labour Party with a million members could be and do and will be concluding the series today.
A Million Member Party—Part Five
We invited submissions on what a Labour Party with a million members could be and do and are concluding the series with this piece.
A Million Member Party—Part Four
We invited submissions on what a Labour Party with a million members could be and do and will be concluding the series today.
A Million Member Party—Part One
We invited submissions on what a Labour Party with a million members could be and do and will be publishing some of the ideas we received today and tomorrow.
A Million Member Party—Part Two
We invited submissions on what a Labour Party with a million members could be and do and will be publishing some of the ideas we received today and tomorrow.
A Million Member Party—Extended Call for Submissions
It has been widely claimed that Labour is the biggest political party in Western Europe and the biggest left-wing or left of centre party in all of Europe.
Subscribe and Support New Socialist
Today, as we bring our Election Special to a close, we are launching our Patreon.
Transforming Labour: Rule Changes for 2018
With this year’s Labour Party conference looming on the horizon, it may seem premature to some to start thinking ahead to the party’s 2018 gathering in Liverpool.
Organising for Conference
Labour Party members, supporters and activists - particularly those on the left - are still on something of a high after the party’s far better than expected performance in the recent general election.
A Vow of Silence? A Chronicle of Internal Attempts to Sabotage the Labour Election Campaign
Throughout the election campaign, New Socialist kept a record of what we argue amounted to attempts at sabotage of the Labour Party’s election campaign.
This is Just the Beginning: Corbynism's Next Steps
Despite the polling uncertainty of the last couple of weeks, the overall picture of this general election is now clear.
Election Special 2017
What happened? Why did it happen? What do we do now? New Socialist will launch on June 12th with our election special which will address these questions.
Labour's Alternative Models of Ownership Report
Our economy is clearly not working, and this report provides an indispensable analysis of why, situating present outcomes in fundamental structural flaws.