josie sparrow
josie is a writer, and a co-editor of New Socialist. Her website is
Twitter: @ofthesparrows
Articles by josie sparrow:
The Production of Death
The British labour movement is failing Palestine.
On slowness as method
Does ‘left media’ have to reproduce the attitudes and practices of the ‘mainstream’? How might we imagine something different?
Where is the working class woman?
An extended version of a talk given at Feminism is for Every Body, TWT2022.
TWT Preview: Feminism is for Every Body
Previewing our event at this year's TWT.
Full Solidarity With Apsana Begum
Apsana Begum has been subjected to an escalating campaign of harassment, abuse, and intimidation. We stand in solidarity with her, and with all victims of abuse.
There Is No ‘One Weird Trick’.
An introduction to some of the themes and thinking behind our ECOLOGIES edition.
Comrades in Arms with the Web of Life: A Conversation with Jason W. Moore
The Marxist geographer talks with Tom Gann and josie sparrow about world ecology, Marxist beef, and what it means to be in solidarity with oppressed and devalued natures.
Serve the People? Some questions on tenants' union consciousness.
Tom Gann and josie sparrow reflect on some of the possibilities and limits of tenants' organising.
Country, City, Quarantine
What do horseshoe crabs, COVID-19, Stonehenge, ticks, and Kirstie Allsopp have in common? They all have a part to play in the story of how capital produces nature.
Popular Feminisms
A review of Lola Olufemi’s 'Feminism, Interrupted' and Alison Phipps’s 'Me, Not You'.
Introducing Zheng Chaolin
Tom and josie consider the relationship between Zheng Chaolin’s life, his politics, and his poetry.
Mutual Aid, Incorporated.
For capital, the Covid-19 crisis represents an opportunity. How can the left resist and respond in ways that are affirmative of life?
"A commitment to care... and to disobedience."
Lola Olufemi discusses her latest book, 'Feminism, Interrupted: Disrupting Power'
False Promises
Keir Starmer's leadership bid gestures towards generosity whilst manipulating our emotions & appealing to our unconscious biases. We should refuse this dishonesty.
Light in the Darkness
Our hope, our love, and our togetherness are powerfully transformative. We must never forget this.
To Each According to their Needs! On Labour's Universal Basic Services report.
John McDonnell's UBS report offers a potential framework for a revolution in the ways we conceive of and meet our needs.
A Kinder, Gentler Politics? Building better discussion on the left—a New Socialist discussion at TWT
Join us at TWT 2019 to explore how we can better handle contradictions as socialists.
There's More to Life than This! An argument for joy, against economism.
Technocratic policy fixes and sci-fi fantasies won’t save us—ecological collapse calls us to rethink our attitudes to extraction, exploitation, and interconnection.
Against the New Vitalism.
Recent attempts to rehabilitate vitalism, despite claims to be radically ecological, are an example of how fascism re-appropriates the past in an attempt to colonise the future.
We Are Not Your Flock: Reading Angela Smith with Rancière.
What does the Independent Group’s claimed “duty to lead” tell us about their attitude towards the world-making capacities of the working class?
Editors' Selection 2018
Some of our editors' favourite pieces we've published in 2018
Rhetoric, Responsibility, & the Problem of the Political: Some thoughts after reading Andrew O’Hagan on Grenfell Tower
Andrew O’Hagan’s ‘The Tower’ is neither radical or neutral, but a symptom of a middle-class journalism that upholds and supports the given political order through its dishonest claims of objectivity