Wendy Liu
Wendy Liu is the author of Abolish Silicon Valley.
Twitter: @dellsystem
Articles by Wendy Liu:
Abolish Silicon Valley: Tom Gann interviews Wendy Liu
Wendy Liu discusses her political journey from ardent Silicon Valley Kool Aid drinker to scathing critic of the entire industry (and capitalism), as documented in her new book 'Abolish Silicon Valley'.
Editors' Selection 2018
Some of our editors' favourite pieces we've published in 2018
Beyond “Taming” the Tech Giants
To truly challenge the power of the tech giants, we need more than better regulation. We need class struggle.
Tech Workers' Inquiry at The World Transformed
Organising the tech industry may be difficult, but it’s crucial for challenging capitalism. A transcript of the Tech Workers Coalition session at TWT 2018.
Tackling the platforms: on IPPR's Digital Commonwealth report
Top-down regulation, bottom-up resistance, or some combination of the two? A response to IPPR's new report on technology platforms
Towards an Organized Tech Industry—Part Two
Transcript of a panel co-hosted by Tech Workers Coalition and Tech Action at Left Forum 2018, on what a socialist vision for the tech industry should look like.
Technological Development For The Many
A transcript of a talk delivered at the technology breakout session of John McDonnell's State of the Economy conference at Imperial College
Corbynism and The Youth Wing
An interview with Lara McNeill, Momentum activist and newly-elected Youth Rep on the NEC
Labour's New Economics Conference: Part Three, Housing Session
The third part of our write-up and analysis of Labour's New Economics Conference on alternative models of ownership.
Labour's New Economics Conference: Part Two, Digital Session
The second part of our write-up and analysis of Labour's New Economics Conference on alternative models of ownership.
Labour's Digital Strategy Is a Missed Opportunity
The pace of technological advancement is double-edged.
Social Murder, Productivity Crisis & Irresponsible Technology Policy: The 2017 Budget
Wednesday’s budget was more striking for the economic indicators and forecasts produced by the Office for Budgetary Responsibility than for any of its specific policies.
The Inevitability of the Gig Economy
The gig economy may finally be souring in the eyes of the public.