Conference 2017.
All of the articles we have published under the tag Conference 2017, beginning with the most recent.
Corbynism from Below at The World Transformed
Here's the audio of our Corbynism from Below session held on 26th September at The World Transformed in Brighton.
Reflecting on Labour Conference and The World Transformed – Part One
Part one of a series with New Socialist editors reflecting on their experience of Labour Party Conference and The World Transformed 2017.
Labour’s NEC ‘Deal’: Paving the Way for Change?
Last week, it was announced that the party’s ruling National Executive Committee had agreed a deal relating to the so-called ‘McDonnell amendment’.
'New Socialist at Conference 2017': The Ebook
If you're attending Labour conference or The World Transformed in Brighton – or you're just watching proceedings from afar – be sure to check out the special New Socialist Conference ebook.
Austerity is not Gender Neutral
The Labour Party’s analysis indicates that 86% of the burden of austerity since 2010 has fallen on women.
Labour’s ‘Contentious Alliance’ at Conference
The Labour Party Conference occupies a central role in the party’s culture.
New Socialist recommends... at Labour Conference and The World Transformed
Navigating the vast programme of fringe events, debates, parties and floor discussions taking place in and around Labour Party Conference and The World Transformed can be a pretty overwhelming exercise.
The NPF and Party Policy at Conference
One of the promises made during Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership campaigns was for greater membership involvement in policy formation.
Interview with Mark Perryman on "The Corbyn Effect"
Tom Gann spoke to Mark Perryman about the legacy of Stuart Hall, Labour modernity, possibilities for radical organisation, cultural politics and more.
Paul Sng interview - Dispossession: The Great Social Housing Swindle
“Every time I see a person in a cardboard box in London,” Tony Benn once told parliament, “I say, that person is a victim of market forces.”
Football from Below
Mark Perryman of Philosophy Football explores the possibilities of fan culture as a social movement.
Mums4Corbyn at the World Transformed
New Socialist are very happy to announce details of our comrades and collaborators, Mums4Corbyn's events at The World Transformed on Saturday 23rd September.
The Labour Party: A Socialist Reading List
Since Jeremy Corbyn’s initial election as leader of the Labour Party in July 2015, the hundreds of thousands of people who have flocked into the party have been treated to something of a crash course on it.
Corbynism from Below at The World Transformed
We are delighted to announce the details of New Socialist's session at The World Transformed, which will take place on Tuesday September 26th at 1pm at the Synergy Centre.
Labour Party Conference: Call for Contributions
This September, thousands of Labour Party members - including constituency and trade union delegates from across Britain - will descend upon Brighton for this year’s Labour conference.