In mid-2020, we switched to a new, edition-focused publishing model. Below, you can find everything New Socialist published from our inception in 2017 up until that shift.
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Beyond Westminster | Culture | Economics | International & Foreign Policy | Theory and Strategy
'The Past we inherit, the Future we build': Lessons from the Durham Miners' Gala
A city's character is both constantly negotiated in the struggle between its constituent parts, and shaped and re-shaped by its relationship with local and global economies.
In Defence of Party Democracy
It seems that whenever the Labour left has the temerity to organise to bring about whatever changes it wishes to see, this is almost without fail treated as an unconscionable outrage.
Momentum Beyond the Moment
Momentum ran a stellar campaign during the general election. Aside from a formidable ground game, they dominated the social media scene.
Poor Gramsci
In 1987, the late Stuart Hall published an essay titled ‘Gramsci and Us’ in Marxism Today, then (still officially at least) the theoretical journal of the Communist Party of Great Britain.
Reshuffle 2: The Maintenance of the Malcontents
Earlier this week, Corbyn announced a second tranche of post-election appointments to the shadow front bench.
A Million Member Party—Extended Call for Submissions
It has been widely claimed that Labour is the biggest political party in Western Europe and the biggest left-wing or left of centre party in all of Europe.