In mid-2020, we switched to a new, edition-focused publishing model. Below, you can find everything New Socialist published from our inception in 2017 up until that shift.
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Beyond Westminster | Culture | Economics | International & Foreign Policy | Theory and Strategy
Honduras: the “Preemptive Soft Coup”
The endless epidemic of “soft coups” promoted by the White House has once again attacked Honduras.
BAME Labour: Time for Reform
The Labour Party has long seen itself as the unequivocal champion of values of equality and diversity, and relies heavily on the ‘Ethnic Minority vote’ in elections.
From South Lanarkshire to Santiago: Nae Pasaran
In 2015, three retired Scottish workers from the Rolls-Royce factory of East Kilbride, Scotland received the highest honour given to foreign civilians from the Government of Chile to the rank of Commander.
Labour's Digital Strategy Is a Missed Opportunity
The pace of technological advancement is double-edged.
Stranger Things: TV for a Lost Reality
When I was young and given a pencil with which to draw, I would draw cruder versions of whatever it was my brother had drawn before me.
Radical TV—Call for Contributions
In December and January, New Socialist will be running a series on radical television and we invite submissions on the effectiveness of television programmes that aim at radicalism.