Odrán Waldron
Twitter: @odranwaldo
Articles by Odrán Waldron:
From the Summerhill Occupation: On the Fight for Public Housing in Dublin
Dublin's housing market is out of control, and Fine Gael have no intention of stepping in to help, but ordinary renters are taking action into their own hands.
It’s Time for Labour to Disassociate from the SDLP
Labour's link to the SDLP should leave a sour taste in the mouth of any progressive or socialist.
Stranger Things: TV for a Lost Reality
When I was young and given a pencil with which to draw, I would draw cruder versions of whatever it was my brother had drawn before me.
Please Solve Life: How Transhumanism Distracts Us from Silicon Valley’s Class Warfare
In February 2014, there was a terrifying scene outside of the Mountain View swallowing Googleplex.
Che, the Commodity
The black beady eyes looking over your left shoulder as you face into them, the black beret effortlessly lounging on the top of his head, the left cheek dimming into the shadow of his long black hair.