In mid-2020, we switched to a new, edition-focused publishing model. Below, you can find everything New Socialist published from our inception in 2017 up until that shift.
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Beyond Westminster | Culture | Economics | International & Foreign Policy | Theory and Strategy
Election Resources for People with Learning Disabilities
People with learning disabilities are systematically excluded from the democratic process, here is a collection of resources of easy read election resources to help try to counter that exclusion.
From Shareholder to Stakeholder Capitalism?
Capitalism's leading lights are worried about the viability of the current model of capitalism – the Left must use the next crisis to offer real change to the structure of ownership that underpins it.
“It's not 30 pesos – it's 30 years”: The Battle for the Heart and Soul of Chile
Chile's protests aren’t about the 30 peso rise. They are about the 30 years of ‘democracy’ suffered since the official end of the dictatorship and a direct result of a growing extra-parliamentary left.
To Enter Government the Liberal Democrats Will First Need An Economic Vision
The rise of the Liberal Democrats has been a thorn in Labour's side. However, without an economic vision replacing Labour seems like a distant prospect and misses a fundamental difference between the two parties.
Office Without Counter-Power?
Without the backing of a vibrant and assertive social movement behind it, any left-led Labour government risks merely occupying office rather than wielding real power.
Remembering and Rebuilding Socialist Culture: A talk given at The World Transformed
How collectivism, mutual aid and political education formed a fundamental part of working-class community and culture.