Charlie Ebert
Charlie Ebert is a radical and a writer. He is currently based in Santiago, Chile.
Articles by Charlie Ebert:
Reflections on the Chilean Election
With Boric’s resounding victory, the Chilean far right have been kept out of office. But legislative limits, and conformist cabinet appointments, mean that there may well be little else to celebrate.
Chile: Polarisation, Party Crisis and Prospects for the Left
Analysis of the likely outcome of the Chilean Presidential election. The left should win but the prospect of low turnout in poorer, radical neighbourhoods is a potential wild card.
On the Chilean Constitutional Referendum
The result of Chile's referendum represents an overwhelming victory of the popular classes, but ultimately the direction of the country will be decided outside parliamentary and constitutional processes.
Stalemate in Chile: Reflections on the Ongoing Revolt
Chile wants a revolution but a mixture of the effects of the Coronavirus crisis and an inequality of force has, so far, blocked it.
The "Chilean Spring" Continues. Part Two.
Thousands of neighbourhood assemblies have broken out across Chile, an account of how one functions in Barrio Brasil, Santiago, the development of capacities for self-management and its limits.
The "Chilean Spring" Continues. Part One.
What is the condition of the Chilean rebellion nearly two months after its beginnings?
“It's not 30 pesos – it's 30 years”: The Battle for the Heart and Soul of Chile
Chile's protests aren’t about the 30 peso rise. They are about the 30 years of ‘democracy’ suffered since the official end of the dictatorship and a direct result of a growing extra-parliamentary left.