Adam Blanden
Adam Blanden lives and works in London.
Twitter: @Adam_Blanden
Articles by Adam Blanden:
Labour in Government: What Happens Now?
We can’t foresee exactly how things will work out for the new government, but we can predict what options will be available to it – and how the left might exploit its weaknesses.
Besieged City
Understanding monetary policy requires grasping the peculiar transnational class position of some of capital's key organic intellectuals: central bankers.
Safe as Houses? Can the Tories keep their electoral Coalition together?
The real glue keeping the Tories’ electoral coalition together is not big spending pledges, but the promise of protection offered by Johnson to his homeowning voter base.
The Bank and the Public Good
Analysis of the Bank of England's decisions over interest rate increases needs to be understood through its role in securing the legitimacy of the British state through organising a supportive social bloc.
The Tory 'Green Industrial Revolution'
The Government’s so-called Green Industrial Revolution is really a plan to subsidise the private sector in a period of low growth and dampened demand.
Is Britain a Chumocracy?
Data on political donations from the Electoral Commission shows that money in politics is much more a question of the exercise of class power of capitalists rather than direct corruption.
The mood was one of dejection: English Language Teachers in the Pandemic
The pandemic may have dealt a decisive blow to an already irrational and often oppressive industry, but the sense of solidarity developed between English Language Teachers may outlive that collapse.
Discussing Johnsonism
What can we learn from Johnson’s spell as Mayor of London? What are the ruling class strategies of the Johnson project? How does it stand in an international context?
Johnsonism, the Capitalist State, and Coronavirus
Johnsonism’s response to coronavirus aims to reconfigure state-capital relations, both in guaranteeing private sector activity, and in extending the commodification of social reproduction.
The Coronavirus Crisis Response in the EU
The Coronavirus crisis has seen a return to the familiar EU deadlocks. This can best be understood through how the EU represents and organises (and disorganises) class fractions.
The Tory Party in the 2020s - How will they govern?
The Conservative government may wish to centralise power in Westminster – but there are trends in British society that no tech whizz can fix.
From Shareholder to Stakeholder Capitalism?
Capitalism's leading lights are worried about the viability of the current model of capitalism – the Left must use the next crisis to offer real change to the structure of ownership that underpins it.
Can Labour Resist The Economic Orthodoxy of the Bank of England?
If Labour is to really overturn the prevailing orthodoxy of the Bank of England, it may have to take bolder action to end the Bank’s independence.