M Tetrapod
M is a practicing teacher and a researcher whose work focuses on the philosophy and politics of education.
Twitter: @pancake_puns
Articles by M Tetrapod:
Abolishing Policing in Schools
Schools are intricately bound up with formal systems of policing and incarceration. Is resistance possible, or are the roles of ‘teacher’ and ‘cop’ too mutually dependent?
Crisis and Opportunity: Coronavirus and Education
The capitalist state is attempting to use the Covid-19 crisis in schools to push narrow, traditionalist pedagogy and enrich their friends. Educators must articulate radical new futures.
Election Resources for People with Learning Disabilities
People with learning disabilities are systematically excluded from the democratic process, here is a collection of resources of easy read election resources to help try to counter that exclusion.
Refusing To Be Bought: a critical response to the Tories' education proposals
Leaked documents reveal the Tories' plans to offer teachers a massive pay rise and more power—but at what cost?