In mid-2020, we switched to a new, edition-focused publishing model. Below, you can find everything New Socialist published from our inception in 2017 up until that shift.
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Beyond Westminster | Culture | Economics | International & Foreign Policy | Theory and Strategy
Paul Sng interview - Dispossession: The Great Social Housing Swindle
“Every time I see a person in a cardboard box in London,” Tony Benn once told parliament, “I say, that person is a victim of market forces.”
Lions Led by Lionesses: Mothers Fighting Against Joint Enterprise Convictions
Yesterday, 14th September 2017, 11 young men were sentenced to a total of 168 years for one death at Manchester Crown Court.
Wages4Housework and Beyond
At a recent meeting discussing a Universal Basic Income, one of the speakers expressed surprise that women would demand a wage for their work, his assumption being that our work was a labour of love.
This week in Parliament: Theresa May's creeping despotism
Through fairly obscure means and made possible only by the support of the DUP, May's creeping despotism is set to skew Parliament's weak legislative scrutiny function even further.
For a Socialist Young Labour: Back the Momentum Slate
Voting is now open, until this Wednesday (13th September), for the upcoming Young Labour policy conference.
Football from Below
Mark Perryman of Philosophy Football explores the possibilities of fan culture as a social movement.