In mid-2020, we switched to a new, edition-focused publishing model. Below, you can find everything New Socialist published from our inception in 2017 up until that shift.
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Beyond Westminster | Culture | Economics | International & Foreign Policy | Theory and Strategy
Tech Workers' Inquiry at The World Transformed
Organising the tech industry may be difficult, but it’s crucial for challenging capitalism. A transcript of the Tech Workers Coalition session at TWT 2018.
Brazil's Elections, Fascism and the Public Education System
Public education and critical thought are under threat, as Bolsonaro and his supporters have declared war on 'Marxist indoctrination', the legacy of Paulo Freire and 'Gender ideology'
Mistaking Technology for Capitalism and Capitalism for Technology
Technology is not merely bundles of wires, silicon, and touchscreens; it is a way of systematised thinking that emulates capitalism.
Rhetoric, Responsibility, & the Problem of the Political: Some thoughts after reading Andrew O’Hagan on Grenfell Tower
Andrew O’Hagan’s ‘The Tower’ is neither radical or neutral, but a symptom of a middle-class journalism that upholds and supports the given political order through its dishonest claims of objectivity
International interests and the destruction of Brazilian Democracy
It's vital to US geopolitical interests and the interests of the international capital committed to exploiting Brazil's natural resources, that Bolsonaro wins the election
Questions for the organisers of the People’s Vote campaign
The people's vote campaign need to clarify key questions of tactics, aims, logistics and strategy.