Owen Hatherley
Articles by Owen Hatherley:
More than Meets the Eye
“The excitement I feel looking at the 1960s architecture of Kenzo Tange is rooted in the excitement I felt as a six-year-old boy looking at the animated Autobot City.”
What if this is the beginning, not the end? An interview with Owen Hatherley.
The left's most prolific author on Red Metropolis, London's municipal socialism, class recomposition and its political effects, and the influence of William Morris.
"A Robert Byron of the Left"? An Interview with Owen Hatherley
Owen Hatherley discusses "The Adventures of Owen Hatherley in the Post-Soviet Space" and Tribune magazine.
What Should a 21st Century Socialist Housing Policy Look Like?
Labour's 2017 manifesto was timid on housing but, globally, there are examples that could form the beginnings of a 21st century housing programme
On the Heritage of Totalitarianism
With every intense wave of Decommunisation of public space, where one 'totalitarianism' is denounced, a parallel rehabilitation of another is taking place.
Dialectical Soap Operas: Rainer Werner Fassbinder on TV
In the 1970s, TV was the dominant medium. Not, as it is today, one of dozens of diffuse forms competing for distracted attention.
After the End of the World: Re-reading the Russian Revolution
At a public lecture at the LSE, Sheila Fitzpatrick lamented that the end of the Cold War meant that there was little energy in the commemoration of the two Russian revolutions of 1917.