In mid-2020, we switched to a new, edition-focused publishing model. Below, you can find everything New Socialist published from our inception in 2017 up until that shift.
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Beyond Westminster | Culture | Economics | International & Foreign Policy | Theory and Strategy
Overthrowing the Big Society: The Third Sector’s Neoliberal Embrace
The Silicon Valley transport app Lyft recently launched a new service, calling it 'Shuttle'.
The Inevitability of the Gig Economy
The gig economy may finally be souring in the eyes of the public.
BiFab: The Threat of a Good Example
Thursday morning tourists filing through Edinburgh’s Medieval old town on the way to view its castle were this week bemused to find themselves amid a far more modern conflict.
Three Cheers for the Unemployed
The Conservative government has made much fanfare recently of the fact that, alongside record employment levels, they have brought unemployment levels down to their lowest point since 1975.
Class Power and Red Robbo
The death of car worker, trade union activist and Communist Derek “Red Robbo” Robinson last month at the age of 90 did not make an especially huge splash in the national media.
Chorlton Socialist Club: Building On a Movement
Let’s face it, local politics can be pretty humdrum at the best of times. Mired in stultifyingly dull procedural detail, it will always struggle - in its formal configuration - to appeal to those of a radical bent.