In mid-2020, we switched to a new, edition-focused publishing model. Below, you can find everything New Socialist published from our inception in 2017 up until that shift.
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Beyond Westminster | Culture | Economics | International & Foreign Policy | Theory and Strategy
A Crisis With No Borders
The scale of the climate is global, but propositions on the left have largely confined themselves to the scale of the national and territoriality bounded - any Green New Deal must include free movement
Building a Socialist Media System
In advance of the TWT policy lab, what might a socialist media look like and how would it relate to other commitments to a democratised everyday life.
Corbyn, Joyce and Ulysses
What does Jeremy Corbyn's favourite novel reveal about the character of his politics?
Can Labour Resist The Economic Orthodoxy of the Bank of England?
If Labour is to really overturn the prevailing orthodoxy of the Bank of England, it may have to take bolder action to end the Bank’s independence.
A Socialist Europe from Below?
The newly appointed portfolio of European Commissioners underlines how the political mainstream is singularly incapable of turning back Europe’s neo-fascist tide.
To Defeat the Banking Industry, We Must Back the Socialist Alternative
The challenges of the consumer banking sector is under discussed on the left. This is a problem and the continued presence of cooperatives banks today offer potential solutions we should not ignore.