5th Birthday
Edition #3. September 2022.
Editors' Letter
Updates on what we've been up to and previewing TWT 2022.
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TWT Preview: Feminism is for Every Body
Previewing our event at this year's TWT.
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Educate, Agitate, Affirm
Six important New Socialist pieces.
Where is the working class woman?
An extended version of a talk given at Feminism is for Every Body, TWT2022.
Che Guevara’s Anti-Imperialist Theory of Class
On the fifty-fifth anniversary his death, we're reading the young Guevara’s ‘The US Working-Class: Friend or Enemy?
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The History of New Socialist: Part One
The history of New Socialist as a way of telling the history of the last few years of the British left. Part one considers "the proto New Socialist".
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What could a left publication be?
Opening a conversation about what left media in 2022 is for, Daniel Eales offers a vision of grassroots analysis and critique.
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Electoral Hegemonies Do Not Last Forever
The left are told we must vote Labour, because otherwise the Tories will win. But the late 19th century shows us how fragile these anti-Tory hegemonies can be.
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Where Is Sudan? Refracting the Globe through Bilad al-Dahab.
Understanding the possible trajectories of Sudan since Omar al-Bashir was deposed requires locating it within the tide of forces, local and global, that regularly bypass its nominal borders.
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On slowness as method
Does ‘left media’ have to reproduce the attitudes and practices of the ‘mainstream’? How might we imagine something different?
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Neoliberalism in a Coma
Structural conditions are moving against neoliberal policy solutions— but, absent a counter-hegemonic force, this movement produces monsters.
Centrism is the Suppression of Politics
The grown-ups are back in the room: it's time to put all those silly hopes and dreams away.
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Not Taking Refuge in Helplessness: the ‘new weapons’ of Just Stop Oil
Introducing a short series of texts theorising the emergence of Just Stop Oil and the new climate militancy.
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I Would Simply Blow Up A Pipeline: the Left and Just Stop Oil
In their hostility to disruptive action, left intellectuals have much more in common with the authoritarian centrism of Keir Starmer than with actual militants.
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“Holding the public to ransom”: the strategy and tactics of Just Stop Oil
Just Stop Oil's strategic approach shows us that popular power already exists. What would it mean for the left to take this seriously?
Culture Is Ordinary
Arts and the Logics of Survival
Arts funding in Britain places institutions in a constant position of precarity, with survival never guaranteed. This has particularly grim impacts on workers in the sector from musicians to office staff.
Moving On Again
Where next for the left after Starmidor?
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No Thanks: How the white art left launders the carceral state
Anwen Crawford’s ‘No Document’ purports to pay tribute to rebellion, but instead spirals off into a narcissistic vortex of white possession.