Brazil 2018.
All of the articles we have published under the tag Brazil 2018, beginning with the most recent.
Why Bolsonaro Won: Beyond the Clichés
If mind-stopping clichés of violence and corruption do not correspond with voting patterns or Bolsonaro’s governmental plan, why did he win the election? It was not a free or fair process.
Brazil's Elections, Fascism and the Public Education System
Public education and critical thought are under threat, as Bolsonaro and his supporters have declared war on 'Marxist indoctrination', the legacy of Paulo Freire and 'Gender ideology'
International interests and the destruction of Brazilian Democracy
It's vital to US geopolitical interests and the interests of the international capital committed to exploiting Brazil's natural resources, that Bolsonaro wins the election
Bolsonaro and the Institutionalization of Necropolitics
Hate politics drives the most violent election process since Brazil's re-democratization
Hands Off Venezuela! Maduro, Bolsonaro, and Latin American counter-revolution
The government of Nicolás Maduro is under threat from an emboldened, radical Right.
The Future of Brazilian Democracy
On Sunday, voters go to the polls. The fate of Brazilian democracy hangs in the balance. Marcos Arruda spells out the stakes and possible consequences.
The Paysandu Fire and the Right to the City
In the post-coup atmosphere, the Brazilian media and government have used the tragedy at Paysandu square to attack poor people, social movements and the right to the city.
Criminalizing Politics in Brazil: The Judiciary vs. Lula da Silva
The jailing of President Lula marks another stage in the deterioration of Brazil’s democracy: the consolidation of a state of exception and the failure of the rule of law in Brazil.
A Trial for Lula and Brazilian Democracy: What's Next for Brazil
Brazil has just taken another step toward the dismantling of its democracy.
The Rolling Coup: How Michel Temer is turning Brazil into a Banana Republic
In December, 2017, Gabriel Souza, a São Paulo vocational school student, fell and hurt his back while working at his job at Burger King.