Daniel Willis
Daniel Willis writes about Latin American history and politics, with a particular focus on Peru, global commodity chains and extractivism.
Twitter: @not_djw
Articles by Daniel Willis:
200 Years of Fortitude.
Two centuries after Independence, struggles to decolonise the Peruvian state persist.
At the Base of a Pink-Green Tide
Could a growing wave of resistance across Latin America help to protect democracy and advance ecosocialist aims?
Resisting Green Colonialism: Lithium, Bolivia, and the Green New Deal
There are potential contradictions between decarbonisation in the Global North and the needs of communities in the Global South. How should we handle them?
Hands Off Venezuela! Maduro, Bolsonaro, and Latin American counter-revolution
The government of Nicolás Maduro is under threat from an emboldened, radical Right.
The Right, Resurgent: Peru’s President sparks fears of pardon for former dictator Fujimori
Since the beginning of October, many Peruvians have doubtlessly been preoccupied by the national football team’s fixtures against Argentina and Colombia.
A Receding Tide?: The Left in Latin America Today
Most sensible commentators will tell you today that the Pink Tide is over.
Interpreting Mariátegui: Lessons from Peru for the British Left
It is difficult to interpret exactly why José Carlos Mariátegui is such an unknown figure among the pantheon of international Marxist thinkers regularly discussed or referenced by the British Left.