Joe Hayns
Twitter: @JoeHayns
Articles by Joe Hayns:
Whitehall, Unite!
From 7am tomorrow (22 January), outsourced workers across two major government departments — organised through two very different unions — will strike together.
A Grin Without a Cat? Gilets Jaunes, the Labour Movement, and France's 'Extremes'
In the following interview, independent journalist and Paris resident Cole Stangler describes how politicians and the labour movement have responded to the yellow vests
How To Win A Pub Strike: An Interview with Ivy House Workers
An interview with two workers at London's Ivy House pub on their strike for union recognition, fixed-hour contracts and the reinstatement of sacked workers.
The Cleaners' Triple Strike: PCS and UVW Join Forces
UVW and PCS are going to be demonstrating together on the 5th September against both the Ministry of Justice and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.
United Voices' New Ambition
Whether UVW and IWGB’s militancy coheres and spreads is now one of the more pressing and increasingly practical questions not only for them, but the wider labour movement.
Macronism, and How To Fight It: A Commentary from Parti des indigènes de la République (PiR)
This commentary discusses the necessity for struggle against the labour reforms of Emmanuel Macron, acknowledging the deepening racial divisions it will exacerbate
The Challenges of Solidarity: IWGB and The Struggle Against Outsourcing
The Independent Workers of Great Britain (IWGB) union has been organising, in its words, ‘some of the most vulnerable and under-represented workers in the UK’ since August 2012.