Juliet Jacques
Juliet Jacques is a writer and filmmaker based in London. Her books include Trans: A Memoir (Verso, 2015) and her short story collection Variations (Influx Press, 2021), Front Lines: Trans Journalism 2007-2021 (Cipher Press, 2022); and a novella, Monaco (Toothgrinder Press, 2023). She teaches at the Royal College of Art and elsewhere.
Articles by Juliet Jacques:
Communists in Space
The story of Horley's only Communist councillor shows how even the most ostensibly middle-class places can benefit from socialism – and that it’s worth making that case, however lonely or absurd it can seem.
Looking Back on Culture for Labour
If the last year and a half has shown us anything, it’s that conditions of artistic production are shaped by politics. It is only by remaining involved with politics that we, as artists, can hope to change them.
Questions for Centrists
To get further than vapid statements about ‘change’ and ‘politics being broken’, centrists must ask themselves some fundamental questions about beliefs and strategy.