All of the articles we have published under the tag Transmissions, beginning with the most recent.
On "Black Antisemitism" and Antiracist Solidarity
Recent stories have seen attempts to “ethnicise” antisemitism, but the discourses and violence that make up the long history of antisemitism are far more organic to the cultures of white, Christian Europe.
To a Comrade: Ted Knight, the Labour Left and Local Government
How can Ted Knight's strategic proposition of rooted Labour Party units working in tandem with local communities & workers to challenge the capitalist order inform our strategies today?
Without Precedent: Our East London Fight for Fair Terms
On the first day of the strike of council workers in Tower Hamlets, what is the strike over and what does it mean to strike under socially distanced conditions?
We Cannot Pause in a Pandemic — Response to Rocha and Marris
Casualised members are a source of strength and not weakness: we won't settle for a 'foot in the door'.
Protect migrants, protect workers: close detention centres now.
Workers must demand nothing less than release of all immigration detainees and closure of immigration removal centres.
Rent Strike—now? A legal and political analysis.
Now is the best time for organising rent strikes in England & Wales since at least the 1980s but many discussions have been ideologically hollow and strategically underthought.
Now is the time for hope—it's the bosses who should be scared.
Outsourced BAME and migrant workers at SGUL are preparing to launch a landmark legal action against their employers. Here, they tell us why we should all support them.