Corona Contract
Corona Contract is a rank and file union group fighting for the rights of casualised university and college staff during the pandemic and beyond.
Twitter: @CoronaContract
Articles by Corona Contract:
UCU Needs a Fighting Strategy
With UCU's main congress taking place this week, casualised university staff consider the failings of the union's strategy, and call for a more confident approach.
UCU Must Strongly Resist Job Losses and Restructuring - Now
UCU cannot wait until the crisis in universities hits permanent members on secure contracts - the time for action is now.
Why we Must Reject the UCEA Offer
UCU members should vote to reject the offer from the Universities and Colleges Employers Association to keep the current dispute live and build solidarity.
We Cannot Pause in a Pandemic — Response to Rocha and Marris
Casualised members are a source of strength and not weakness: we won't settle for a 'foot in the door'.
We Cannot Pause in a Pandemic — Response to Rocha and Marris
Casualised members are a source of strength and not weakness: we won't settle for a 'foot in the door'.