Tom Gann
josie sparrow
Assistant Editors
Tom Williams
Daniel Willis
Tom Blackburn
Jude Wanga
Commissioning Editor
Elle O’Rourke
Emir Uslu
Web producer
josie sparrow
Podcast editor
Jack Frayne-Reid
About New Socialist
New Socialist is an independent, online socialist magazine based in Britain.
We were founded in 2017, at what was in retrospect the high water mark of ‘Corbynism’. From 2017 to early 2020, we articulated, and tried to make effective, a critical Corbynism: from the left, and from below. Now, as the economic, cultural, and affective consequences of the last few years make themselves felt, it is more clear than ever that new strategies, attitudes, and practices are required if we are to make sense of—and make a future in—these bad new times.
New Socialist is a place where these strategies, attitudes, and practices can be imagined, theorised, argued over, and argued for.
We publish themed editions aiming to investigate, clarify, and extend concepts, conjunctures, and struggles. Alongside these, we publish shorter, more timely interventions in our Transmissions section.
To learn more about what we do, our political commitments, and how you can get involved and help sustain this project so that we can continue to publish, click here.
Write for us
Current open calls
We are always looking for contributions on struggles and movements both in Britain and abroad for our Transmissions series.
Submission guidelines
The best way to get a sense of what we're looking for is to take a look at what we've already published. However, we are always interested in expanding our remit, so if you have a different approach, we may well be interested—just ask.
We do not publish traditional news or comment-style pieces. We would encourage you to submit these elsewhere. We also regret that we are currently unable to take on investigative reporting, as we do not have the budget to provide legal support for this work.
We do not publish work that transphobic (including so-called ‘gender critical’ feminism), pro-police or borders, anti-migrant, etc. We may turn pitches down, or request changes, on ethical grounds .
We are actively seeking translated pieces from similar publications around the world, particularly from the Global South/Global Majority.
We are not interested in work that has already been published in English and is widely available.
We are particularly interested in submissions from people from oppressed, exploited and marginalised groups, as well as writers who have important things to say, but who have not necessarily written for publication before. Our political and editorial commitments include developing a wider set of writers and capacities than the British left currently has.
We will work closely with writers to bring work up to the standard we think is publishable in New Socialist. We encourage writers to view the editing process as a collaboration, and to be prepared for comradely questions, comments, and challenges.
Our process, our publishing schedule, and the fact we currently have to fit New Socialist work around wage labour, means that there may be some time between submission and publication. If a piece is particularly time-sensitive, we will always try our utmost to accomodate this: just let us know. Otherwise, we ask writers to be mindful of the situation before submitting.
We pay all of our writers. We regularly review our rates and aim to increase them further as soon as it is financially sustainable for us to do so. Our current rates are:
Culture is Ordinary, shorter book reviews:
Edition essays, longer pieces:
We are very happy to pay fees, particularly for Transmissions pieces, to the groups covered or other groups, if the writer prefers.
If we have commissioned something which we are not then able to use, provided the writer has been constructive in the editing process, we will pay half the agreed fee for the piece.
How to pitch
If you want to discuss an idea, feel free to email us at the addresses below. We want New Socialist to be open to everybody, not just people with the 'right' connections. With this in mind, please do not use social media DMs, WhatsApp, etc. to pitch to us.
Please send pitches and queries to the relevant address:
Editions: [email protected]
Book Reviews/Interviews: [email protected]
Transmissions: [email protected]
Culture is Ordinary: [email protected]
We will try to get back to you within a week. If we haven’t by then, give us a nudge. We try to respond to every submission that meets our guidelines, but please bear in mind that our editors fit their New Socialist work around paid work, political commitments, family responsibilities, etc., so it may take some time. For this reason, we cannot respond to submissions or pitches that don’t meet the above guidelines.