Edition #2. October 2021.
There Is No ‘One Weird Trick’.
An introduction to some of the themes and thinking behind our ECOLOGIES edition.
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Editors' Letter
Updates on what's been going on at New Socialist, and launching #NS500, our subscription drive.
In Conversation
Comrades in Arms with the Web of Life: A Conversation with Jason W. Moore
The Marxist geographer talks with Tom Gann and josie sparrow about world ecology, Marxist beef, and what it means to be in solidarity with oppressed and devalued natures.
Red Apes
Histories of colonialism and extraction, told through their impacts on orangutans—and stories of red ape resistance.
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Precedent Thinking in 2020s Britain
To think about the relationship between past and present in terms of 'precedent' can seem odd—but this structure of feeling has become central to how events are understood and represented in contemporary Britain.
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FALC and its Discontents
In a contemporary "expansionist" Marxism, luxury plays a central role, but it also remains underthought—particularly in its ecological implications. The "severe luxury" of William Morris has much to teach us.
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Red Vegans against Green Peasants
Calls to end animal agriculture and rewild much of the world are calls for the intensification of the exploitation of the rural by the urban, and the dispossession of peasants, small farmers, herders and nomads.
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Agroecology and the Survival of Cuban Socialism
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cuba was forced to embarked on an agroecological programme of food sovereignty. Now, it offers an example to the rest of the world.
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Kitchen Cultures: Fermenting (with) the trouble
The cultural politics of fermentation, explored through recipes, theory, poetry, and stories.
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Can environmental left populism work? The case of the West German Green Party
A left populism with a major green element has been advocated as a way to reconstitute the left and address ecological crisis. However, the experience of the German Greens points to the limits of this project.
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Land and Life: Feudalism and Environmental Change in the Philippines
In the Philippines, the struggle against imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucratic capitalism is a precondition of any ecological sustainability.
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The Political Economy of the Ecocide Machine
The shortages of the pandemic revealed the physicality of a wide range of commodities. To ignore this physicality is to obfuscate capital's imperialist and ecocidal character.
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Writing, Aesthetics, Climate (A Bricolage)
How might we respond to Kate Soper's call for an avant-garde eco-socialist political imaginary? What is the time and space of the avant-garde?
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The Eco-Politics of the Sublime: Nature, Environmentalism, and Covid-Ecology
A conception of the sublime, liberated from its racist, sexist and domineering classic form, should form a part of any ecosocialist imaginary.
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Understanding Kisaan Andolan
An extended study of the historical and world-ecological context of the Farmers' Movement struggles.
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As the Floodwaters Rise: Survival on an Inundated Island
The effects of flooding are determined by regional and by class inequalities. As the state withdraws its from crucial functions, this imposes tasks for the left that are currently under-analysed.
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Stop Trying to Make Nuclear Power Happen
A number of eco-modernists are now arguing that the threat of climate crisis means that nuclear power is necessary. However, it remains wildly impractical, and at odds with any world we would like to build.
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The Tory 'Green Industrial Revolution'
The Government’s so-called Green Industrial Revolution is really a plan to subsidise the private sector in a period of low growth and dampened demand.
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At the Base of a Pink-Green Tide
Could a growing wave of resistance across Latin America help to protect democracy and advance ecosocialist aims?
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The Out of the Woods Mixtape
The Out of the Woods collective share some of their favourite music, with an accompanying essay exploring how these tracks relate to and shape our politics.
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The Rio Cinema and the 1981-6 GLC
Much of the focus on the cultural politics of the GLC in the 1980s has been on flagship campaigns and events. The Rio Cinema tells a different story: the nurturing of a cultural ecology.
Abolishing Policing in Schools
Schools are intricately bound up with formal systems of policing and incarceration. Is resistance possible, or are the roles of ‘teacher’ and ‘cop’ too mutually dependent?
Culture Is Ordinary
Matthew Le Tissier and the Cosmic Right
The former Southampton number seven has repeatedly disgraced himself with a series of public pronouncements. How does this connect with the way he played football?
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‘Children of the Revolution’: Glam Rock and the 70s
Glam, in all its queer, communal, proletarian glory, is the soundtrack to a militant 70s that we must reclaim for the left.
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The Cultural Logic of the 'Money Saving Expert'
Martin Lewis offers sometimes useful advice—but his interpellation of viewers as consumers, vulnerable to exploitation through a lack of knowledge, dissipates potential for collective action.
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Call of Duty: Psy Ops
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War ideologically attempts to present "the unholy trinity" of violent repression carried out by the US in Central America as both exciting and necessary.
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Allegorical Fragments: The Legacy of Víctor Jara on James Dean Bradfield’s ‘Even in Exile’
James Dean Bradfield's embrace of allegory in 'Even in Exile' represents the violence of the destruction of Chilean socialism, whilst also fanning a spark of hope.
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The Cleaner as Critic
Have you heard the one about the cleaner who destroyed a work of art? How do these jokes relate to the "improving" function of museums, and to anxieties about the materiality of art?
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Affirmations: Les Misérables
The musical Les Mis often serves as a shorthand for suburban ghastliness and conservatism, yet its most obvious signifiers relate to a doomed popular uprising. How to reconcile this?
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Looking Back on Culture for Labour
If the last year and a half has shown us anything, it’s that conditions of artistic production are shaped by politics. It is only by remaining involved with politics that we, as artists, can hope to change them.
Beyond Workers' Inquiry
The mass-produced automobile brought about shifts in spatial relations, the reproduction of labour power, and consciousness—shifts that completely overhauled strategies of bourgeois class struggle.
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Historical Cycles in the Formation of the Condition of the Mining Working-Class in Bolivia (1825–1999)
Bolivia's former Vice President traces the material conditions that enabled the militancy its mining proletariat.
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Introducing Transgender Marxism
An exclusive extract from the introduction to TRANSGENDER MARXISM.
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Spaces and Scales of the Mining Proletariat
The urbanisation of the countryside enacted by the mining industry in Chile has produced devastating spatial, racial, and gendered polarisations.
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"Indigenous freedom was, and is, a place"
The long traditions of Indigenous resistance, of which #NODAPL was a part, demonstrate the possibilities for just and liberated futures.
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Extinction Politics
The idea of a global commons and of "natural limits" emerged in the 1970s, and forms a Neo-Malthusian structure of thinking that underpins certain environmentalist movements and practices.
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What if this is the beginning, not the end? An interview with Owen Hatherley.
The left's most prolific author on Red Metropolis, London's municipal socialism, class recomposition and its political effects, and the influence of William Morris.
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Burning Bridges: A Review of ‘Red Metropolis’
Owen Hatherley's Red Metropolis is a valuable account of the achievements of the London Left—but is limited by its pessimism and an unwillingness to draw lines.
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Being Real: A Review of Christopher Chitty's Sexual Hegemony
Chitty's book, though unreliable in parts, provides significant empirical support to those who read sexual liberation as one aspect of broader social struggles.
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“It’s the Assets, Stupid.”
Colin Drumm on a call to doing political economy that takes the class dimensions of both generational struggles and monetary policy seriously.
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Why does race still matter? An interview with Alana Lentin
Alana Lentin discusses her debt to Stuart Hall, the colonial constitution of racism, and fracturings of anti-racist solidarity.
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Games Within Frontiers
In this extract from the new edition of ‘Games Without Frontiers’, Joe Kennedy discusses and analyses his life playing football.
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Tactocracy and the Ends of Football
Recent years have seen the emergence of a tactocratic attitude towards football – how much does this aid the commodification of the game through seeking to marginalise contingency?
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Taking the Labour Movement Forward: A Review of ‘The Shadow of the Mine’
The history of coal mining in Britain, focusing on the South Wales and Durham coalfields, their insertion into imperialism, the gendered regimes of production, and class struggle.